I live in Hokkaido, and we have some immense beauty.
To me at least, this is most prevalently displayed in the vivid distinctions nature creates.
About a month ago, as fall hastily closed, the last few leaves falling, is about when I noticed this trend.
Rather than bogging down the blog with my analysis of beauty in nature, I'm just gonna show some photos, and stay clear of overly talking.
A better view, check out the mountains in the back.
Keiteki, my dorm, also has it's own vivid colors.
As an example, a lot of the leaves that fall from the surrounding trees turn WHITE when they dry out. Crazy color.
But the vine on the side of building turns BRIGHT RED.
Naturally, as it's winter now we have the amazing contrast of black to white.
After a VERY rough 15 inch blizzard, my walk to class looked like this.

And just outside of the student center?

I could get used to this sort of life... Winter wonderland.
Happy holidays everyone.
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