Saturday, February 20, 2010

Doll Festival Shtuff

So I like cliche Japanese stuff, sue me.

Today my host mom took me to see some Hinamatsuri dolls that had been assembled nearby.

Apparently I under estimated the sheer number of dolls they would have. Something like thousands.

Yes it is that massive, this is just one room!

Crazy level of detail in these figures. But they're strangely similar

They're set up in a very specific order, and families used to pass them down to married couples. My host mom would have hers if there was still room in the house (oh goodness). People who no longer want theirs apparently give then away, and usually this means giving it to one of these places?

I'm not sure, she said this all in Japanese and I don't feel like wikipedia-ing it.

This place was kind of like a "doll" museum though, they even had some old ones from America!

Chip and Dale??

Anyways, that is all. Doll festival begins on March 3rd, but this place will be around showing off stuff till around April. Wowzerz dolls.

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